
The Outbox is the location where outbound mail is stored before it is sent to the Internet. If you send your outbound mail to your ISP for delivery then you will need to configure the Outbox with your ISP’s details. If you deliver the mail directly using MX records, then you must also configure a DNS server.

See Also:

  • DNS

To configure the Outbox for direct delivery to an ISP

In order to configure delivery to the ISP you will need to know your ISP’s SMTP server name or IP address and if using a dialup connection, the Profile used to connect to the Internet. If a dial up profile is to be used see Dialling the Internet

  1. In Outbox, click Connection

  2. In Connection Options / Network Profile, select the required profile, [LAN] or [Proxy/Router]

  3. In Delivery Mode, select Immediately

  4. In Host name, enter your Domain Name

  5. Click Apply

  6. In Outbox, click Delivery

  7. In Delivery Route, select SMTP Hosts

  8. In SMTP Hosts / Host1, enter the IP address or name of the ISP’s SMTP server (see Remote Domains)

  9. (Optional) In SMTP Hosts / Host2, enter the IP address or name of the ISP’s backup SMTP server

  10. (Optional) In SMTP Hosts / Host3, enter the IP address or name of the ISP’s backup SMTP server

  11. Click Apply


To configure the Outbox for direct delivery via MX Records

MX delivery is not recommended over dial up connections (*). A suitable DNS server will be required for correct delivery of mail (DNS).

  1. In Outbox, click Connection

  2. In Connection Options / Network Profile, select [LAN] or [Proxy/Router]

  3. In Delivery Mode, select Immediately

  4. In Host name, enter your Domain Name (**)

  5. Click Apply

  6. In Outbox, click Delivery

  7. In Delivery Route, select MX Hosts

  8. In If delivery fails, select Hold mail in queue for later delivery

  9. Click Apply



* Many ISPs will not permit MX delivery through their network due to misuse as a source of spam.

** many servers will not accept mail from servers with an incorrect host name.