Extending FTGate with .NET

From V7.0.200 FTGate has the facility to be extended with your own c# processing extensions, giving a limitless capability to FTGate. As FTGate is further developed more features will be exposed to scripting.

Extending FTGate is a simple process of adding one or more scripts to an Extensions sub folder in the main FTGate program folder.

There are a number of example scripts included in a zip file of that folder that demonstrate features that are exposed. The examples zip are installed by default. You should use these as a start point for your own scripts. Any functions that you omit from your class definitions will simply be ignored by FTGate so you only need to implement functions you need.

Persistence of Data

The files in the extension folder will be compiled into a .NET assembly. If any files are changed in the folder the assembly will be rebuilt and all data in the assembly will be lost.

All classes apart from the Core class are instanced per call and local/class data will not persist between calls. Static data will persist unless the assembly is rebuilt.

Developing code

We recommend that developers use a code development tool such as Visual Studio to develop code and that development is not performed on a live server. You can install a copy of FTGate on your desktop development machine, insert your licence key and omit the activation step. This will allow you to develop your code while periodically restarting your copy of FTGate.

When the code is complete, transfer it to your live server and restart FTGate.


Support for .NET extension development is available through the FTGate support forums.

Customisation Service

If you would like help in developing or implementing a custom extension to FTGate but do not have the resources to develop your own code, FTGate Technology offer a Custom Development Service. For further details please contact support@ftgate.com.