The ftgate.conf file is located in the FTGate program folder and is used to override he defaults for critical system options. If the file does not exist and you need to change the default values of the items available then you should create the file for yourself.

This is a critical file. Incorrectly formatted or incorrect data will most likely cause FTGate to fail to start or behave erratically or crash.

The file is processed on startup and any changes require a restart of FTGate.
The file is a json data file and requires that data entered meets the json standard.

The format and possible fields are:

"pgServerOverride":"host='hostaddress' port=portnumber dbname='databasename' user='databaseusername' password='databaseuserpassword'"
"debugstart": BOOL ,
"anylogin": BOOL, 
"dnsmaxthreads" : NUMBER,
"configpath": PATHSTRING,
"spoolpath": PATHSTRING

Data types:

BOOL :  the words true or false , e.g. “debugstart”: false
NUMBER: an integer number
PATHSTRING: a string in quotes, backslashes are doubled, e.g. “c:\\ftgate\\config”
DNSSTRING: a string in quotes of comma separated ip or addresses e.g. “,”

Each entry must be separated by a comma, the last entry has no comma at the end.


debugstart – causes a 20 second delay in initialisation before starting ftgate
anylogin – causes ftgate to start in safe mode, log in to the WebAdmin port with the username admin@~ftgate and no password.
configpath – the path to the database config files
dns – use these dns servers rather than the defaults for the system
spoolpath – the location of the spool folder.
pgServerOverride – bypass internal database and connect to external PostgresSQL database