Network Storage and shared drives

In order to access network storage you will need to edit the FTGate service to run under a user account as follows:

  1. Create a new network user account in the name of FTGATE_SERVER

  2. On the network machine providing the storage create a network share for the files called FTGATE_SPOOL

  3. Go to the Service control panel on the FTGate machine and open the services control

  4. Open the FTGate mail server service and change the startup details to specify the account FTGATE_SERVER as specified in 1

  5. The service control panel will then modify the account settings to allow appropriate access

  6. Start the FTGate Service and open WebAdmin

  7. In Configuration, click System

  8. In Safe Mode, click Safe Mode

  9. In Configuration, click Spooler
  10. In Spool Path, enter computernameftgate_spool

  11. To move a domain onto the network drive go to the domains info page and click the change button. Then specify the new storage path. Be sure to maintain the domain name. e.g.
    change to
  12. restart FTGate

Stopping and starting FTGate through the FTGate icon will not disrupt the use of the network drive. In the event of the network drive going off line FTGate will suspend itself to prevent incorrect operation and will require an administrator to restart it.
It is STRONGLY recommended that the spoolfolder remain on the same machine as FTGate. The spoolinbox, spooloutbox and subfolders are heavily used during mail processing as there will be a significant drop in performance associated if these folders are stored remotely. Domain storage can be safely moved to a different drive.